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Love for cats came to us all of a sudden, in 1992, along with an ordinary female that had settled down in our house and in our hearts. As is known, one cat is never enough! Therefore, in 2003, there had occurred an event that made a good start for our cattery, i.e. we became happy owners of British cat LV*OLYMPIC SPIRIT DIADEMA (Dashenka). It is from this moment the British breed have become ingrained in our everyday life, and completely changed it.

All our cats, surrounded by love, live together with us; we are totally against keeping of animals in cages. They are members of our family, they predominate in our house, we obey them with joy, and it makes us happy! Together with them we participate in licensed international exhibitions, master felinology, basics of veterinary medicine, and quite seldom have a rest far away from our cats.

On 7 September 2004, our cattery obtained an international registration in FIFe system. We are members of the Cat Fanciers Clubs Association, CFCA, which represents Latvia in the European Cat Fanciers Association, FIFe. We are also members of Cat Fanciers Club SELENA.
